ServDes.2023 ServDes.2023

Student Forum Session 1

Thursday July 13th, afternoon – 13:45 to 14:45 (ART 1 Room) 
(Portuguese session)

Service Design Education: A multiple-case study of Brazilian undergraduate courses
Author(s): Camilla Durão and Cristiane Bertoldi PDF

Towards leveraging users’ mental models of Voice Assistants (VAs) through increased transparency
Author(s): Isabela Motta and Manuela Quaresma PDF

Improving the activation of governmental stakeholders in the disaster response in Brazil
Author(s): Ana Paula P. M. Nascimento and Tharcisio C. Fontainha PDF

A interação de usuários digitais com interfaces de e-commerce no pós-COVID-19
Author(s): Louise H. R. Mangia and Manuela Quaresma PDF

Food Design for a better food culture: Redesigning restaurants ́ food system
Author(s): Ellen Gonzalez and Manuela Quaresma PDF

Práticas Reflexivas: uma contribuição dialógica a serviço do retorno de experiência e do desenvolvimento da cooperação em empresas
Author(s): Clayton Costa and Amanda Xavier PDF

Student Forum Session 2

Thursday July 13th, afternoon – 13:45 to 14:45 (ART 2 Room) 
(English session)

Rules of the particular: an investigation of exceptions in bureaucratic institutions
Author(s): Isabella Brandalise PDF

Inhabiting the tension between self-centeredness and otherness
Author(s): Rike Neuhoff PDF

Mutual Leadership and Benefit Between Human and More-Than-Humans: A Leadership retreat in the Australian bush
Author(s): Sarah Kushinsky PDF

Beyond Justice: Reinterpreting Justice Through Jain Lens
Author(s): Ayushi Jain PDF

Unsteady State: Civic Service Design as a Space of Democratic Contestation
Author(s): Connor Smith PDF

Tech-Enabled Impact Services: An Impact Envisioning Tool for Early-Stage Social Enterprises
Author(s): Akhila Kosaraju PDF

Co-Designing for Public Participation: Developing a Relationship-Based Toolkit for Public Engagement with the Utah Transit Authority
Author(s): Kayla Guillory PDF