Registration is SOLD OUT!
In order to provide a greater opportunity for more people to present at the conference, each accepted paper and abstract with multiple co-authors should have a different conference registrant. However, co-authors may appear on multiple papers. For presentation of long and short papers and student forum abstracts and publication in the ServDes.2023 conference proceedings, at least one registration per submission is required by the 31st of May. For approved workshop proposals, all convenors must register for the conference by the same date and conduct the session as scheduled in the conference program. Those who have already registered as authors of papers do not need to register as student forum abstract author or workshop convenors.
There is a range of different fees available. Please note that participants from Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) have different fee policies to promote participation from professionals, practitioners, and students from these countries. Fees depend on which country you are based in and your category. To determine your registration fees, please consider the country you are based in and the corresponding country group, as follows:
• Group 1 – countries from LAC, Least Developed, Low and Lower Middle Income – check list here;
• Group 2 – countries from Upper and Middle Up Income – check list here.
Registration for the conference includes access to all ServDes.2023 activities, lunch, and coffee breaks, and are displayed in Brazilian Reais. Please note that an additional fee applies for the Conference Dinner.
Review detailed fees according to the registration deadlines (Early Bird Fee, Regular Fee, Late Fee).